

Redesigning Go’s Built-In Map to Support Concurrent Operations

Authors: Louis Jenkins, Tingzhe Zhou, and Michael F. Spear

Presentation @ NSF REU

Presentation @ PACT 2017 (Unavailable)

Venue: PACT 2017


The Go language lacks built-in data structures that allow fine-grained concurrent access. In particular, its map data type, one of only two generic collections in Go, limits concurrency to the case where all operations are read-only; any mutation (insert, update, or remove) requires exclusive access to the entire map. The tight integration of this map into the Go language and runtime precludes its replacement with known scalable map implementations.

This paper introduces the Interlocked Hash Table (IHT). The IHT is the result of language-driven data structure design: it requires minimal changes to the Go map API, supports the full range of operations available on the sequential Go map, and provides a path for the language to evolve to become more amenable to scalable computation over shared data structures. The IHT employs a novel optimistic locking protocol to avoid the risk of deadlock, and allows large critical sections that access a single IHT element, and can easily support multikey atomic operations. These features come at the cost of relaxed, though still straightforward, iteration semantics. In experimentation in both Java and Go, the IHT performs well, reaching up to 7× the performance of the state of the art in Go at 24 threads. In Java, the IHT performs on par with the best Java maps in the research literature, while providing iteration and other features absent from other maps.

Persistent Memory Analysis Tool (PMAT)

Authors: Louis Jenkins, Michael L. Scott

Venue: 11th Annual Non-Volatile Memories Workshop 2020


Intel’s Persistent Memory Development Kit (PMDK) provides two separate tools—pmreorder and pmemcheck—that allow the programmer to explore and verify the consistency of possible states that may be present in persistent memory in the wake of a crash, given that caches may write back values out of order. Unfortunately, these tools are heavy-weight and inefficient, and so we have developed the Persistent Memory Analysis Tool (PMAT), derived from pmemcheck, that enables the simulation and verification of hundreds to thousands of crashes per second for programs of significant size, for an improvement of at least three orders of magnitude.

Hypergraph Analytics of Domain Name System Relationships

Authors: Cliff Joslyn, …, Louis Jenkins, et al.

Presentation @HICSS

Venue: 17th Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph (WAW 2020)


We report on the use of novel mathematical methods in hypergraph analytics over a large quantity of DNS data. Hypergraphs generalize graphs, as used in network science, to better model complex multiway relations in cyber data. Specifically, casting DNS data from Georgia Tech’s ActiveDNS repository as hypergraphs allows us to fully represent the interactions between collections of domains and IP addresses. To facilitate large-scale analytics, we fielded an analytical pipeline of two capabilities. HyperNetX (HNX) is a Python package for the exploration and visualization of hypergraphs, acting as a frontend. For the backend, the Chapel HyperGraph Library (CHGL) is a library for high performance hypergraph analytics written in the exascale programming language Chapel. CHGL was used to process gigascale DNS data, performing compute-intensive calculations for data reduction and segmentation. Identified portions are then sent to HNX for both exploratory analysis and knowledge discovery targeting known tactics, techniques, and procedures.

Paving the way for Distributed Non-Blocking Algorithms and Data Structures in the Partitioned Global Address Space model

Authors: Garvit Dewan and Louis Jenkins

Venue: The 7th Annual Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop

Presentation @ IPDPSW


The partitioned global address space memory model has bridged the gap between shared and distributed memory, and with this bridge comes the ability to adapt shared memory concepts, such as non-blocking programming, to distributed systems such as supercomputers. To enable non-blocking algorithms, we present ways to perform scalable atomic operations on objmote memory via remote direct memory access and pointer compression. As a solution to the problem of concurrent-safe reclamation of memory in a distributed system, we adapt Epoch-Based Memory Reclamation to distributed memory and % implement it in such a wayupport global-view programming. implement it such that it supports global-view programming. This construct is designed and implemented for the Chapel programming language but can be adapted and generalized to work on other languages and libraries.

Graph Algorithms in PGAS: Chapel and UPC++

Authors: Louis Jenkins, et al.

Venue: 2019 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC ‘19)


The Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) programming model can be implemented either with programming language features or with runtime library APIs, each implementation favoring different aspects (e.g., productivity, abstraction, flexibility, or performance). Certain language and runtime features, such as collectives, explicit and asynchronous communication primitives, and constructs facilitating overlap of communication and computation (such as futures and conjoined futures) can enable better performance and scaling for irregular applications, in particular for distributed graph analytics. We compare graph algorithms in one of each of these environments: the Chapel PGAS programming language and the the UPC++ PGAS runtime library. We implement algorithms for breadth-first search and triangle counting graph kernels in both environments. We discuss the code in each of the environments, and compile performance data on a Cray Aries and an Infiniband platform. Our results show that the library-based approach of UPC++ currently provides strong performance while Chapel provides a high-level abstraction that, harder to optimize, still provides comparable performance.

RCUArray: An RCU-like Parallel-Safe Distributed Resizable Array

Authors: Louis Jenkins


Venue: The 5th Annual Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop 2018


Presented in this work is RCUArray, a parallel-safe distributed array that allows for read and update operations to occur concurrently with a resize via Read-Copy-Update. Also presented is a novel extension to Epoch-Based Reclamation (EBR) that functions without the requirement for either Task-Local or Thread-Local storage, as the Chapel language currently lacks a notion of either. Also presented is an extension to Quiescent State-Based Reclamation (QSBR) that is implemented in Chapel’s runtime and allows for parallel-safe memory reclamation of arbitrary data. At 32-nodes with 44-cores per node, the RCUArray with EBR provides only 20% of the performance of an unsynchronized Chapel block distributed array for read and update operations but near-equivalent with QSBR; in both cases RCUArray is up to 40x faster for resize operations.

Chapel HyperGraph Library (CHGL)

Authors: Louis Jenkins, Marcin Zalewski, Sinan Aksoy, Hugh Medal, Cliff Joslyn,…

Poster @PNNL

Venue: 2018 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference(HPEC ‘18)


We present the Chapel Hpergraph Library (CHGL), a library for hypergraph computation in the emerging Chapel language. Hypergraphs generalize graphs, where a hypergraph edge can connect any number of vertices. Thus, hypergraphs capture high-order, high-dimensional interactions between multiple entities that are not directly expressible in graphs. CHGL is designed to provide HPC-class computation with high-level abstractions and modern language support for parallel computing on shared memory and distributed memory systems. In this paper we describe the design of CHGL, including first principles, data structures, and algorithms, and we present preliminary performance results based on a graph generation use case. We also discuss ongoing work of codesign with Chapel, which is currently centered on improving performance.

Chapel Aggregation Library (CAL)

Authors: Louis Jenkins, Marcin Zalewski, Michael Ferguson

Presentation @SC18

Venue: Parallel Applications Workshop, Alternatives To MPI


Fine-grained communication is a fundamental principle of the Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS), which serves to simplify creating and reasoning about programs in the distributed context. However, per-message overheads of communication rapidly accumulate in programs that generate a high volume of small messages, limiting the effective bandwidth and potentially increasing latency if the messages are generated at a much higher rate than the effective network bandwidth. One way to reduce such fine-grained communication is by coarsening the granularity by aggregating data, or by buffering the smaller communications together in a way that they can be handled in bulk. Once these communications are buffered, the multiple units of the aggregated data can be combined into fewer units in an optimization called coalescing.

The Chapel Aggregation Library (CAL) provides a straightforward approach to handling both aggregation and coalescing of data in Chapel and aims to be as generic and minimal as possible to maximize code reuse and minimize its increase in complexity on user applications. CAL provides a high-performance, distributed, and parallel-safe solution that is entirely written as a Chapel module. In addition to being easy to use, CAL improves the performance of some benchmarks by one to two orders of magnitude over naive implementations at 32 compute-nodes on a Cray XC50.

Chapel Graph Library (CGL)

Authors: Louis Jenkins, Marcin Zalewski


Venue: The ACM SIGPLAN 6th Annual Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop


In this talk, I summarize prior work on the Chapel HyperGraph Library (CHGL), the Chapel Aggregation Library (CAL), and introduce the more general Chapel Graph Library (CGL). CGL is being designed to enable global-view programming, such that locality is abstracted from the user. CGL is also being designed in a way that is similar to Chapel’s multiresolution design philosophy, where graphs are implemented in terms of hyper graphs, and where both the underlying hypergraph and overlying graphs are available for use. Some of the kinds of graphs being designed are bipartite graphs, directed and undirected graphs, and even trees.


Networks for High-Performance Computing

Authors: Louis Jenkins

Survey for: Computer Networks, Fall 2019


In high-performance computing (HPC), low-latency and high-bandwidth networks are required to maintain high-performance in a distributed computing environment. According to the Top500, the two most widely-used networks in the top 10 supercomputers are Cray’s Aries network interconnect, and Mellanox’s Infiniband network interconnect, which both take radically different approaches towards their design. This survey explores the design of each network interconnect, the ways they provide reliability and fault-tolerance, their support for remote direct memory access (RDMA), and analyze the performance of an Infiniband cluster and a Cray-XC50 supercomputer. Finally, the near-future of high-performance interconnect, obtained from an interview with Steve Scott, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Cray Inc., a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, is also examined.

Compiler Optimization via Superoptimization

Authors: Louis Jenkins

Survey for: Synthesis of Systems, Fall 2018


Program synthesis is a methodology for the synthesis, or creation, of programs from some high-level specification such as input-output examples. Such programs can not only be used for the sake of automation and convenience, but also efficiency. Compiler infrastructures such as LLVM provide reusable and general-purpose compiler optimizations, but these optimizations differ from superoptimization. Where compiler optimizations merely improve existing code, superoptimization seeks to synthesize an optimal replacement for the existing code. In the case of domain-specific compiler optimization, where the compiler leverages a priori knowledge about the semantics of the language that is being optimized, a superoptimizer will be at least as efficient in comparison. In this paper, I explore superoptimization and describe its more practical applications in compilers and programming languages.